Beyond the hum of nearby Comporta, an ideas-sparking set of sculptors, architects and musicians has quietly settled into an alternative groove behind the dunes in Melides.
The late-afternoon sun is painting the pale stone floor in strips of gold. The room at Melides Art, in a small village south of Lisbon, is filled with the scent of pine and eucalyptus and that particular fragrance that comes at the end of a long, hot summer day – a mix of salt, sunscreen and warm sand. A young woman, her dark hair falling across bare brown shoulders, sits on the stairs, bent over a guitar, slowly picking out a melody; one chord, then another. After a moment she lifts her head and sings a song of love and loss that sounds all the more poignant in her native French. Around the house the bustle of the day’s end – casual conversations, the pouring of wine into a glass, bare feet padding along the corridor – slows then stops as the notes swell before softly fading into the breeze.